Thursday, April 19, 2012

Big Mutha Truckers 2

Big Mutha Truckers 2

Big Mutha Truckers 2

Format: Box
Age: Adults
Platform: Windows

This one's fer Ma!

To get you up to date on Mutha Trucker - Ma Jackson, the proprietor of Hick State county's biggest haulage company, Big Mutha Truckers, she decided she'd had herself 'bout enough of all this runnin' around an' workin' fer alivin' an' so she told her kids she was gonna retire... But seein' as how the company was worth a whole stack of bucks, Ma couldn't just leave it to one of her kids... Least not with out 'em provin' they was worth!  So that's when Ma hit 'pon the idea of the Trial by Truckin', where her four kids was told to go make as much cash as they could in 60 days.  An' whoever made the most money'd wind up as sole proprietor of the company...and the story continues from there.

In Big Mutha Truckers 2 dear sweet ol' Ma got busted!  She's locked up tighter'n a big rig's brakes on a 40 degree grade.  Ma's kids gotta git her some southern justice by bribin' six members of her jury - if they kin find 'em.  And so Bobbie-Sue, Cletus, Earl and Rawkus set off once agin to buy an' sell goods all over Hick State County.  They's all sorts of trouble a-waitin' for 'em, like alien abducters, drunk hobos and the unusual bikers, cops and rival truckers.  Plus, more special missions and different vehicles than you kin shake a stickshift at.

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